Undeniable Encounters

July  |  Fifteenth  |  2018 First, I have to say THANK YOU! I was extremely nervous to post my last blog. I had it written for months, and the thought of being vulnerable enough to actually post it completely immobilized me, and now I am not sure why? I thought I would quickly explain my reasons f...
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Diabetes Burnout: My Struggle

June  |  Ninth  |  2018 I think it’s about time that I tell the truth. The truth about why I have been absent from the blog portion of my website for over 2 years.      Yikes! How has it possibly been that long? I created this website as place to help inspire others that also experience the dai...
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You Taught Me

Dad, You taught me how to play soccer. You taught me that classic rock bands like U2 and The Eagles don’t compete with 'N SYNC. You taught me to put my faith in the Lord. You taught me patience. You taught me to always be tough. I welcome a day to celebrate YOU because all that you’ve taug...
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Routine. Routine. Routine.

[In my best Matthew McConaughey voice] Routine! Routine! Routine! That’s probably the only way to make the word routine sound fun because who wants to do the same thing everyday? Eat the same food? Work on the same projects? Where is the fun in that? While routine can definitely be difficu...
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